(323) 739-4820 info@lastcollective.org

In this video Mou discusses the secrets of maintaining great sex in long term relationships. The tips may or may not be obvious, but if you are struggling in your relationship to try to connect try these things. Please note, this works best when both partners are committed to the process. In a nutshell, Mou reminds us that:

1) we are all different, none is better, everyone is normal and please do not compare your sex life or sexual desires with anyone else. There is no normal way to be. Once we understand that all roads to desire are good, is the place to start with supporting yourself and your partner on the journey of connectivity and sexuality.

2) No pressure. Pressure to perform or to be a certain way whether this is sexual or otherwise is a libido killer.

3) Kindness is key.

4) Compliments and saying nice things to each other must be the default. Criticism is also a libido killer. As is blame. Also side note: learn your love language and take little steps every day to meet your partner there.

5) This is the biggest one. Learn healthy communication, stop blaming and pointing the finger, learn how to express yourself and find yourself a voice. It can be body language, but freedom of expression is key.

Moushumi Ghose hosts The Sex Talk, a sex positive web-series focusing on sex education, relationship and dating advice, which hopes to raise awareness about healthier attitudes about sex and sexuality, featuring Moushumi Ghose, MFT and various co-hosts.

Caitlin Oates


Doubling as LAST’s practice manager and intake coordinator, Caitlin is a writer and creative with a passion for sex-positivity, LGBTQIA advocacy, and mental health care.

Caitlin earned her bachelor’s degree in communications from Northwestern University, and now flexes those communication muscles by teaching medical students humanism skills, coaching athletes in functional fitness, and learning from and working with LAST to promote, amplify, and normalize the importance of sexual and mental health.