(323) 739-4820 info@lastcollective.org

After you have kids, your body will never be the same. That’s just a fact of life.

But that doesn’t mean that you can’t feel sexy again after you have kids. You just have to work at it a little more than you did before.

In this article, nationally recognized sex and relationship expert Moushumi Ghose, M.F.T., answers four commonly asked questions—and provides advice and tips on how to get in touch with your sexual self after you have kids.

“Sharing the responsibility of the childrearing in a more balanced way allows everyone time for themselves. If you can’t show up for yourself, there’s no way you can show up for your partner,” Ghose explained. “Disconnecting from being a mom and shifting to another role sometimes takes several hours. It’s about cultivating that time alone into perpetuity so that it is ongoing.”

After having a child, many mothers have questions about how to reconnect with their sexuality.
1. I’m all touched out
2. I don’t recognize myself
3. I want to be the best version of me
4. How do I woo myself?

Parenting is a full-time job and intimacy can seem like one more thing on the never-ending to-do list. But the more we empower and embrace our sexuality, the better women, partners, and mothers we become.

You can find out all the details of an article by clicking the link.

Caitlin Oates


Doubling as LAST’s practice manager and intake coordinator, Caitlin is a writer and creative with a passion for sex-positivity, LGBTQIA advocacy, and mental health care.

Caitlin earned her bachelor’s degree in communications from Northwestern University, and now flexes those communication muscles by teaching medical students humanism skills, coaching athletes in functional fitness, and learning from and working with LAST to promote, amplify, and normalize the importance of sexual and mental health.