(323) 739-4820 info@lastcollective.org

Slow sex isn’t all about waiting for the person behind the steering wheel to put the pedal down. It’s about slowing down, focusing on each other and taking your time.

The longer you draw out a sexual encounter, the greater the amount of anticipation that builds, the greater the excitement will be – and, research shows, the stronger the orgasm(s) are likely to be. The research was done primarily to explore ways to treat sexual dysfunction. However, the technique is variously known as orgasm control, the “start-stop method,” or “edging” is growing in popularity for the same basic reason: it leads to stronger orgasms. It works by keeping partners on the “edge” of orgasm for a prolonged period of time, while their excitement continues to build.

Slow down and enjoy this life-affirming practice that takes you into a blissful present moment. This practice will transform sex and relationships, offering up to new levels of love, pleasure, and connection. 

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Caitlin Oates


Doubling as LAST’s practice manager and intake coordinator, Caitlin is a writer and creative with a passion for sex-positivity, LGBTQIA advocacy, and mental health care.

Caitlin earned her bachelor’s degree in communications from Northwestern University, and now flexes those communication muscles by teaching medical students humanism skills, coaching athletes in functional fitness, and learning from and working with LAST to promote, amplify, and normalize the importance of sexual and mental health.