(323) 739-4820 info@lastcollective.org

When we think of sex therapy, we generally assume this takes place with (and is for) adults or couples. This neglects the importance of helping our children understand sexuality and their bodies.

If you are a parent, an aunt or uncle, or a much older sibling, you know that when it comes to the subject of sex and children, we walk around on eggshells. Children are sexual beings from the day they are born, though, and in depriving them of sexual knowledge and their own natural expressions we do them an injustice, often stunting their sexual development and growth.

This is why it’s so important to make sure your child has access to good information about sexuality—and that information should come from a trusted source who understands young people!

If you’re worried about how to talk to your kids about sex (or even if you have other questions), consider finding a therapist who specializes in working with young people.

Seeking a trained psychotherapist in the area of sexuality can also be a great place to start.

Want to learn more about the topic? Click the link below!

Caitlin Oates


Doubling as LAST’s practice manager and intake coordinator, Caitlin is a writer and creative with a passion for sex-positivity, LGBTQIA advocacy, and mental health care.

Caitlin earned her bachelor’s degree in communications from Northwestern University, and now flexes those communication muscles by teaching medical students humanism skills, coaching athletes in functional fitness, and learning from and working with LAST to promote, amplify, and normalize the importance of sexual and mental health.